Chlorophyll: the low down
Chlorophyll: the low down
Chlorophyll water is on trend! But what’s so great about this green molecule we hear thrown around health circles?

Chlorophyll is a molecule that gives plants and dark green vegetables their green hue. Some swear by liquid chlorophylls ability to remove heavy metals from the body, neutralize the toxins and pollutions our bodies absorb daily and enhance energy levels. It’s also believed that Chlorophyll has an alkalising effect on water – helping the body absorb water better over time. In the 1940’s it was used to help heal wounds!

Today, the likes of Jennifer Lawrence are sipping on the stuff to help detoxify her body. If you are curious about trying the stuff for yourself, we have a few concoctions – Hawaii H20 & Green Genie – that contain the hardy stuff. Ease yourself into it and reap the natural benefits today!