Berry Berry Good!
Berry Berry Good!

Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, boysenberries, raspberries. They may be small but boy do they pack a punch! The initial, most notable aspect of these fruits are their vibrant colours – the blues, purples, pinks and reds, which are a result of a compound called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are the universal plant colorants responsible for creating the red, purple, and blue hues evident in many fruits and vegetables. But this compound isn’t just responsible for creating colour, there is significant evidence which shows the reduction in blood pressure, improvement of eyesight, strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities and acts as potent scavengers for free radicals! Basically consumption of this compound is linked to preventing lifestyle-related diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
The berry family also boost your vitamin C intake. Now we all know that vitamin C is a great immunity booster. Consume when feeling a little under the weather to give your immune system that welcomed boost. However, not everyone will know that Vitamin C is great for your skin! It strengthens blood vessels which results in a boost to your skin’s elasticity and strength. That’s a natural facelift right there – sign me up for that!
Finally let’s talk about the berries contribution to weight loss. As these fruits contain mostly water, they are great for filling you up quickly whilst scaling very low on the kcals. Berries also contain fibre and folate which are great for the digestive system. Win win!

Try our Bo-Yo and Beaches for a berry hit! That all sounds berry berry good to us!