Watermelon: Get it in ya!
Watermelon: Get it in ya!

Ah Watermelon. The summer fruit. Just the thought of this pink, juicy fruit brings images of sunshine, beaches and happiness. In ode to our Limited Edition Birthday drink – for those who have not tried it, get in-store stat – we are going to talk all things melon and why you should be including this thirst quenching fruit in your diet this season!
Thirst quenching! It not only makes you feel refreshed, it literally is refreshing you. High in water content, containing 92% to be precise, the watermelon is great for preventing dehydration during those warmer months. It is also full of electrolytes which we know are needed when we sweat. And being hydrated leads to:

Great skin!
By ingesting the fruit, your skin will also be hydrated which leads to dewy, glowing skin! It has also been linked to helping with acne and the vitamin C in it will help with collagen reproduction. Dewy, bright, tight, spot free skin – yes please!

Great for the tresses!
Your hair that is. Watermelon contains a phytonutrient called citrulline. Citulline increases the level of arginine in the body. Arginine improves blood circulation in the scalp, pumping the area with proteins and minerals which are vital for hair growth!

Great recovery time!
And finally for all you athletes out there, watermelon has been proven to help with muscle soreness! Researchers believe this is likely due to the amino acid L-citrulline contained in the fruit.